Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Precious it is...

When I saw this I cried. Especially the ending- you can just see the joy in their faces. Wow! Maybe I'll be able to make this much of a difference in a group of people's lives one day, Inshallah!

Live Drill Day 2 - We Hit Water! from charity: water on Vimeo.


  1. this is really sad. it made feel so inspired. alhamdulilah for all that we have. :D

  2. it must be in the congo or the tropics - only 100+ feet and they hit water. i think it takes several 100 meters to get to the water-table in the dry somaliland.
    i saw some of the photos you took. amazing. will come back and savour some more.

  3. Sahro, Alxamdulillah for sure! Did you just see the joy when they were dancing. I think the music they chose made it even more impactful.

    Xirsi: it is in central african republic. i think they dug up more than 100+feet though. i really want to start organization similar to this, inshallah. thank you for the compliments on my photos, come around anytime, n hopefully you'll find something new, n i haven't been lazy. do u have a blog i can follow? wats ur name by the way? barasho wanaagsan abaayo.
